

13,000 Homicide Convicts on the Loose- How the ICE Resource Shortage Puts America at Risk

Over 13 thousand immigrants who have been convicted of homicide are currently residing freely in the United States without being held by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) presenting a concern, for safety. ICE recently informed Congress about this information that sheds light on the concerning loopholes, within the immigration system that enable convicts to avoid detention. Although ICE is cognizant of their existence. These individuals have immigration cases pending against them the lack of adequate resources and outdated protocols hinder prompt efforts to apprehend or remove them. These immigrants are categorized in ICEs "detained" list which indicates they are not currently the focus of detention efforts or, in certain cases ICE is unable to find their whereabouts.The information was gathered as of July 21. Was shared with Congress by Acting ICE Director P.J Lechleitner after a request made in March by Republican Representative Tony Gonzales from Texas.However this problem has been prevalent, across administrations. According to sources, in law enforcement who're well informed about the matter as reported by NBC News a significant number of criminals. Among them individuals convicted of murder. Entered the United States during the tenure of ex President Donald Trump. Despite this development Trump has leveraged the information, as a talking point in his campaign by pointing out flaws in the existing immigration policies and calling out Vice President Kamala Harris At a recent rally in Michigan he expressed his concern stating "These individuals are dangerous criminals who are freely moving around our nation" placing blame squarely at the feet of the current administration without acknowledging that a significant number of these migrants arrived in the U.S during his own time, in office. The White House hasn't given a statement, about the data yet; according to a source I spoke with recently they were surprised by the release of this information without prior notification " he said. It's crucial to note that the exact timing of when the initial group of 13k immigrants entered the nation is still uncertain; additionally in instances authorities were only informed about their criminal backgrounds post their entry, into the United States. ICE encounters difficulties due, to the lack of support from authorities in cities where criminals are released without informing ICE at times; this hinders the agencys efforts to locate and apprehend individuals deemed as high risk threats effectively despite their focus on apprehending serious offenders like those convicted of homicide due to constraints, in resources and funding. The main issue is rooted in the system itself – there are over 7.  Five million immigrants listed in ICEs detained docket indicating that they have cases pending but aren't held in custody at present. With a number of cases and limited resources ICE faces challenges, in finding and capturing the most hazardous individuals. Both Democrats and Republicans worked together to tackle this problem by proposing a bill supported by the party to give ICE the tools required to enhance border protection and simplify the removal process for dangerous offenders.The bill was stalled from advancing to a vote, in the House as former President Trump hindered its passage.This situation now confronts the government with a system and increasing worries, among the public regarding safety concerns. In the end¸ it’s not a matter of politics but one of safeguarding families and communities well being¸ Immigration reform must find a middle ground, between security worries and the human side of the problem to safeguard both citizens and immigrant families.

Democracy on the Line: What Last Night Debate Reveals About the Future of America

This year’s election is incredibly important, and it could change the direction of our country. Last night’s debate showed just how crucial it is for everyone to get out and vote. During the debate, Donald Trump seemed frustrated and upset with how things went. He even called into **Fox and Friends** this morning, blaming the moderators and claiming that the debate was "rigged." But the moderators were just trying to keep him focused on the issues and fact-check the things he said. Trump made several statements that were simply not true, like claims about the 2020 election being rigged and strange accusations that Haitian migrants were eating people’s pets. The moderators did their best to correct these falsehoods.Trump’s history of making untrue statements goes way back. During his first term as president, it was reported that he made over **30,000 false or misleading claims**. He often attacks the media, calling them the “enemy of the people” and encouraging his supporters to jeer at journalists during rallies. Trump has even promised to go after news organizations if he wins another term. This kind of behavior is worrying because the press plays a critical role in making sure that people hear the truth.This election is not like any other we’ve seen. Many experts say that the future of American democracy itself is at stake. We need to make sure that everyone understands the issues and votes for the candidate who will protect our freedoms and rights.If you’re still unsure about voting, think about what’s at risk. It’s not just about one candidate versus another; it’s about the kind of future we want for our country. Kamala Harris showed last night that she is ready to lead with honesty and integrity. She handled Trump’s attacks with grace and focused on the real issues affecting Americans today.This election could shape the future of our democracy, and your vote truly matters. Whether you’re voting by mail or in person, make sure you cast your ballot. It’s more important than ever before.By voting this year, you’re helping to protect the values that make our country strong. Don’t miss this chance to make your voice heard. Let’s come together and make sure that our country stays on the right track.This is your opportunity to be part of something historic. **Go vote**, and remind your friends and family to do the same. This election could change everything. Don’t let this moment pass you by—your vote is your power, so use it!

Kamalas Big Win: How She Masterfully Exposed Trumps Weaknesses in the Debate article

Kamala Harris delivered a knockout performance in Tuesday’s debate, showing the world exactly why she’s a force to be reckoned with. From the moment she stepped on stage, Harris exuded confidence, poise, and, above all, the qualities of a true leader. She didn’t just defend her policies—she went on the offensive, taking on Donald Trump with precision and skill. Harris didn't shy away from exposing Trump’s missteps, calling him out on everything from his flip-flops on abortion to his baseless, racist claims about Haitian immigrants. It wasn’t just her command of the facts that shone, but her ability to rattle Trump. Time and again, she baited him, and he fell for it every time. Harris proved that not only can she handle the pressure, but she can turn the tables, leaving Trump visibly flustered. When Trump tried to boast about his rallies and downplay the crowd sizes, Harris struck back, making it clear that substance beats spectacle every time. Harris also showed her humanity, particularly when discussing sensitive topics like abortion and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Her calm, collected demeanor stood in stark contrast to Trump’s rambling and, at times, bizarre remarks. Trump, who at one point claimed that immigrants were “eating pets,” seemed out of touch with reality. The moderators had to step in to correct him, but the damage was done—Harris had already won that exchange. This wasn’t just a good night for Harris; it was a defining moment in her career. Her ability to stay composed, clearly lay out her vision, and dismantle Trump’s arguments left a lasting impression. After watching this debate, there’s no doubt—Harris is ready for the big stage, and she just proved it to the entire country.

Texas Court Extends Ban on Parole Approvals What It Means for Immigrant Families Applying Under Bidens Keeping Families Together Program

 The Eastern District Court of Texas has decided to prolong the delay on granting parole through the "Keeping Families Together" initiative until September 23rd of the year 2024 of the original expiration date of September 9th as initially planned by the Biden Administrations Parole in Place (PIP) program dedicated to maintaining unity, within families of service members and veterans. Effects, on Candidates During the period of the stay being enforced now applicants are able to send in their PIP applications to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) using Form I 131F. Nonetheless USCIS cannot give its approval to any applications until the stay is lifted. This temporary hold prevents the approval of these applications while the court examines whether the program is legal or not. The ongoing legal matter involves Texas and others versus the Department of Homeland Security and others  A verdict is anticipated in the near future from the court handling the case. The courts choice to prolong the pause gives them time to delve into the legal matters concerning the "Keeping Families Together" initiative. This break is intended to pause approvals while the court reviews if the program aligns with U.S Law. Depending on the courts outcome the pause might be prolonged further pushing back the approval of PIP applications, for an extended duration.   Good news for applicants  USCIS will keep receiving applications while the stay is in place! Applicants can also go through their screenings as part of the PIP process without any issues. If your parole, in place application got approval before the stay kicked in at 6;46 PM ET on August 26th of 2024 then you're all good. That approval stands firm so no need to fret over it slipping away. If you applied for a PIP after that period and waiting for the courts final decision is necessary until the stay is lifted because no new approvals will be given during this time. The ongoing legal dispute persists The uncertain outcome of the battle surrounding the "Keeping Families Together" initiative implies a murky future for the program itself. The courts accelerated timeline suggests that a verdict may be imminent.However due to the anticipated appeals, from both parties the legal proceedings could potentially drag on for a period before reaching a conclusion. For the time being applicants and their families should stay updated on any program changes. Keep sending in their applications as USCIS is actively working on processing them for biometrics and paperwork.   In Summarye In short; during the administrative pause period for the "Keeping Families Together" programs PIP applicants can submit their applications; however approval processes are currently paused well.The court’s upcoming ruling in the future will greatly impact the programs future direction.Applicants are advised to stay patient tune, into updates. Brace themselves for a potentially lengthy legal journey ahead.

BREAKING NEWS - John McCains son speaks out for the time and promises to cast his vote in support of Kamala Harris

In a move in the political arena Jimmy McCain recently declared his endorsement for Kamala Harris, the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate for the upcoming election. This choice follows an event involving former President Donald Trump at Arlington National Cemetery, a location that carries profound emotional meaning, for the McCain family.   The McCain family expresses disapproval of President Trumps visit to Arlington. The recent campaign event held by Trump at Arlington National Cemetery has caused anger from Jimmy McCain who criticized the presidents behavior as disrespectful to the sanctity of the location."Its surprising " McCain expressed in a CNN interview."These individuals resting in peace there didn't opt to be used as a setting for a rally." Arlington holds significance, for generations of McCains family members including his grandfather and great grandfather who are interred there. The graveyard holds a significance as sacred land for families with military connections such, as the McCains. McCains military experience spanning 17 years influenced his viewpoint on Trumps choice to use the cemetery as a backdrop for his campaign. He found it not disrespectful but also deeply emotional for military members and families who have faced loss or served their country honorably. "For those who have dedicated time in uniform " McCain expressed passionately " it's crucial to recognize that the focus should be on the individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for their nation rather, than on oneself." The incident in Arlington marks a moment in Jimmy McCains political journey as he transitions from being an independent voter to joining the Democratic party and publicly supporting Kamala Harris for the upcoming election in November." I switched my registration to Democrat some weeks back and intend to cast my vote for Kamala Harris " he stated confidently This decision carries weight considering the ties of the McCain family, with the Republican Party. Jimmys dad was John McCain – he ran for president as a GOP candidate. Served as a senator in Arizona with a reputation, for his conservative beliefs and military background.  Jimmy McCain stands out from his siblings and other McCain family members by being the first to officially break ties with the party due to his strong disapproval of Trumps behavior and lack of respect towards the military—an issue he feels passionate, about addressing in any way possible within Harriss campaign.  McCains choice is more than political – it's really personal for him. He has openly expressed the pain Trumps offensive comments, about his father have caused. His father was taken as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. Trump once controversially stated that John McCain wasn't a hero because he was captured. These words truly hurt the McCain family deeply. Jimmy McCain mentioned that his father decided to lead a life and was willing to face political criticism; however; he believes that Trumps recent actions have gone too far.  "My father was John McCain " he shared earnestly."I think sometimes people forget that and focus on the details much.He was more, than a public figure named 'John McCain' to me; he was the person who cared for me deeply.Ever since I can remember thinking as a child I've always known that he was a hearted man who did his part."  "The Influence of McCains Backing" Jimmy McCains support for Kamala Harris in the 2024 election signals a turning point that reveals deepening divisions within the Republican Party and emphasizes the divisive effects of Trumps words and decisions.Look as the election approaches soon.McCain’s change of heart may sway moderate Republicans and independent voters who feel disenchanted, with the partys current direction.   McCain made it clear that his opinions belong to him personally and do not reflect the views of the US Army where he remains in service despite his familys military background which includes his bold disapproval of Trump and support, for a Democratic candidate—an indication of the values he deems crucial for Americas upcoming years.   This statement captures both an evolution and a collective yearning for transformation and fresh leadership in the realm of American politics as Jimmy McCain emerges onto the political scene with his perspective enrichening discussions on authority,respect and integrity, within the nations political and military spheres. 

Separated: The Unlikely Hit at the Venice Film Festival Tackling Trumps Family Separation Policy

What happens when a famous documentarian decides to turn one of America’s darkest chapters into a gripping film? You get “Separated,” Errol Morris’ latest documentary that’s turning heads and twisting hearts at the Venice Film Festival. The film is a visceral dive into the controversial policy enacted by the Trump administration that separated immigrant families at the U.S.-Mexico border. But don’t be fooled—this isn’t your typical snooze-worthy documentary about government paperwork. With drama, emotion, and even a few unexpected laughs, Morris shows us the chilling reality behind the headlines. Ready to find out why this film is the talk of the festival? Let’s break it down. Immigration has always been a hot-button issue, but few policies have stirred up as much controversy as the Trump administration's family separation policy. The idea? To deter illegal immigration by forcibly separating parents from their children at the border. The reality? A humanitarian crisis that left lasting scars on countless families. That’s the focus of “Separated,” Morris’ hard-hitting yet highly engaging documentary that goes beyond the usual talking points to explore the human toll of this policy.  Morris brings in experts, including former employees of the Office for Refugee Resettlement (ORR)—don’t worry if you’ve never heard of them, you’re not alone. Through their testimonies and his masterful storytelling, Morris paints a vivid picture of how this cruel policy came to be and why, despite the risks, people still undertake the perilous journey to America. As one ORR worker notes, “Somehow that journey was less of a threat than the gangs trying to recruit them.” It’s a chilling reminder of the desperation driving these families, and Morris doesn’t shy away from showing the stark contrast between bureaucratic decisions and their real-world impacts. You might think a film focused on government policies would be dull, but Morris is no ordinary filmmaker. He uses every trick in the book to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. From gripping dramatizations to poignant storytelling, Morris captures the physical and emotional challenges faced by a young Guatemalan boy and his mother as they brave the treacherous journey to the United States. It’s both heartbreaking and riveting, drawing you into their world and making you feel their pain. One of the most powerful techniques Morris employs is overlaying dialogue with contrasting visuals. As we hear former presidential advisor Stephen Miller and Donald Trump discuss securing America’s borders, we see images of a mother and son risking everything for a better life. The effect is jarring, highlighting the absurdity of certain anti-immigration rhetoric. Sure, border security is important, but is a young mother and her child really the threat we should be afraid of? The juxtaposition is both striking and thought-provoking, forcing viewers to question the narrative they've been fed. However, not all of Morris' creative choices hit the mark. The film spends a bit too much time following mundane email chains, complete with dramatic sound effects whenever someone new is added to the thread. While the intention is to capture the banality of bureaucratic processes, the result feels more tedious than thrilling. There’s only so much excitement to be had from watching people send emails, and that limit is quickly reached. Despite these minor missteps, “Separated” deals with heavy material in a way that never feels exploitative. The footage of children in detention facilities is handled with care, with all faces blurred to protect their identities. Rather than focusing on individual cases, Morris zooms out to explore how a policy as brutal as family separationj could happen on a systemic level—and the monumental efforts to put an end to it. Morris avoids easy answers or tidy conclusions. The film presents a messy situation with great clarity, thanks to sharp editing and a steady pace that allows each poignant statement, such as “Harm to children was part of the point,” the space it needs to resonate. “Separated” isn’t just a film; it’s a call to action. It’s a reminder that in the face of such blatant human rights violations, complacency is not an option. Morris doesn’t hide his stance—he’s clearly against the policy, and he uses his platform to amplify the voices of those who are too often silenced. Watching “Separated,” you get the sense that things like this happen not just because of flawed policies but because of ambition—people willing to sacrifice others’ well-being for their own career gains. In the end, “Separated” is more than a documentary about a specific policy; it's a wake-up call for America. It’s a stark reminder that if we’re not vigilant, history has a way of repeating itself. And that’s a story no one wants to see again.

Biden-Harris Administration Fights Court Ruling to Keep Immigrant Families Together

On August 27th, in the year 2024.  Throughout the years America has been a symbol of optimism and a supporter of values centered around family unity. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have repeatedly highlighted that tearing families apart does not align with our identity. In keeping with this principle the Biden Harris Administration introduced a groundbreaking program in June focused on safeguarding the cohesion of families, with immigration statuses residing in the United States.  The initiative known as "Keeping Families Together" was created to assist families in which one spouse is a U.S citizen and the other has been residing in the country for over a decade now. These families are not just figures or numbers but essential members of our communities. They are our neighbors who live beside us" friends who share laughs with us and colleagues who work alongside us". They are the moms. Dads supporting their kids during soccer matches the hardworking individuals driving our economy forward' and the fellow worshippers at our places of worship. They bring value to our society. Play a role, in shaping American life. Recognizing the influence these families wield within their communities President Biden and Vice President Harris aimed to establish a kinder and more empathetic strategy, towards immigration. The policy of "Maintaining Family Unity" enables these established residents who qualify for a status change to seek standing without the requirement to depart from the United States. Prior to this programs implementation... Many individuals encountered a decision. Either separate from their loved ones to seek a change in their immigration status overseas or remain in the U.S. living without legal documentation and in fear of being expelled at any moment. This new policy aimed to eliminate this dilemma by acknowledging the strong connections and history these families have built within American society. The program did not change any existing criteria, for obtaining immigrant status but instead sought to streamline and humanize the process for eligible individuals.  Despite the actions taken by those involved in the initiative to protect families from separation in Texas last night faced a setback with a court ruling that challenges the Biden Harris Administrations efforts in this regard. The ruling poses a threat to undo the progress made in keeping families. However it is evident that President Biden and Vice President Harris remain determined and undeterred, by this obstacle.  President Biden expressed his disagreement with the decision. Emphasized the importance of keeping families together instead of separating them unnecessarily. Vice President Harris supported this stance by stating their dedication to upholding an immigration policy that prioritizes keeping families united and protecting their rights and dignity, in the United States. 

A Lifeline for Families: The Urgent Need for the 'Keeping Families Together' Program Amid Court Challenges

Imagine a world where families are torn apart due to circumstances beyond their control, leaving loved ones struggling with separation. This heartbreaking reality has been exacerbated by recent judicial actions affecting vital immigration support. A federal judge in Texas on Monday temporarily put on hold a Biden administration program aimed at helping undocumented immigrants with U.S. citizen spouses. This program, known as "Keeping Families Together," was designed to assist families facing challenges that threaten their unity. With applications only recently opened, this initiative now faces uncertainty at a critical time. Why does this matter? Roughly 500,000 individuals living in the U.S. without legal status could have significantly benefited from the "Keeping Families Together" program. This initiative aimed to provide essential resources and support to families at risk of separation due to financial hardships, housing instability, or other unforeseen challenges. For many of these individuals who entered the U.S. without proper inspection, the program represented a crucial opportunity for stability and security. In today's economic climate, where many households are grappling with job loss, rising living costs, and mental health issues, the importance of this program cannot be overstated. U.S. District Court Judge J. Campbell Barker issued a 14-day stay on the program following a request from attorneys general representing 16 states, led by Texas. The Republican-led states argued in their court filing that the "parole in place" program was harmful and would encourage further unauthorized migration. These developments underscore the precarious state of immigration support in the country, making the need for programs like "Keeping Families Together" even more urgent. One of the program's most significant advantages is its comprehensive approach. "Keeping Families Together" offers a wide range of services to ensure families receive the holistic support they need. From financial assistance and counseling to housing support and job training, the program empowers families to overcome their challenges. This multifaceted strategy not only addresses immediate needs but also lays the groundwork for long-term stability and resilience. To qualify for the "Keeping Families Together" program, applicants must meet specific requirements. Families must demonstrate a risk of separation due to economic hardship, domestic issues, or other significant challenges. They should provide documentation outlining their financial situation, housing status, and any additional factors contributing to their circumstances. The government has streamlined the application process, making it easier for families to access the necessary support quickly. This user-friendly approach ensures that no family is left behind, allowing assistance to reach those who need it most. Community involvement is another essential aspect of the "Keeping Families Together" program. Local organizations and community groups are encouraged to collaborate, creating a support network for families in need. This community-centric model enhances the program's effectiveness and fosters collective efforts to uplift families, strengthening ties within neighborhoods. The benefits of the "Keeping Families Together" program extend beyond immediate assistance. By prioritizing family unity, the program contributes to the overall well-being of both children and adults. Research consistently shows that children who grow up in stable, nurturing environments are more likely to thrive academically and emotionally. By investing in families, the government is ultimately investing in the future of our society. Public response to the program has been overwhelmingly positive, with numerous families expressing gratitude for the support they have received. Testimonials highlight how the program has made a tangible difference, enabling families to navigate challenging circumstances while remaining united. These real-life stories underscore the program's effectiveness and the critical need for such initiatives in our communities. In conclusion, the "Keeping Families Together" program represents a vital step toward ensuring that families can stay united in the face of adversity. As the recent court ruling adds complexity to the landscape for immigrant families, initiatives like this become even more crucial. By providing essential resources and fostering community collaboration, the government is taking significant strides to support families during challenging times. As applications are now open, families are encouraged to apply and take full advantage of this critical program. This immigration news is produced by immigration lawyer Moses Apsan. With 40 years of experience, he can assist you and your family with any immigration problem. Call (888) 460-4600 for a consultation or a second opinion. Together, we can ensure that families remain together, strengthening our communities and building a brighter future for all.

Kamala Harriss Knockout DNC Speech: Trump Insults Turned Into Her Secret Weapon

Kamala Harris delivered a blistering speech at the Democratic National Convention that dismantled Donald Trump's skewed portrayal of her. In a 40-minute address, Harris exuded confidence and strength, proving why she is a formidable contender for the vice presidency. With the stakes higher than ever and the country facing critical decisions, Harris seized the moment to make a compelling case for herself and the Democratic ticket, leaving no doubt about her leadership skills. Her speech was a powerful mix of personal stories, hard-hitting policy points, and sharp critiques of Trump, who has been desperate to undermine her credibility. Despite Trump’s relentless attacks—branding her with childish nicknames and questioning her background—Harris’s speech shattered these baseless portrayals. She presented herself as a grounded, experienced leader who is deeply connected to core American values and fully prepared to take on the challenges of the presidency with unwavering determination. Her address was not just a rebuttal but a powerful affirmation of her readiness to lead with clarity and resolve. Harris used her platform to emphasize her background as a prosecutor and attorney general, highlighting her no-nonsense approach to tackling crime and economic exploitation. She recounted her battle against drug cartels and predatory banks, positioning herself as a dedicated public servant committed to the well-being of ordinary Americans. This narrative effectively countered Trump’s depiction of her as a “lightweight,” showcasing her as a leader with a proven track record of making tough decisions and delivering results. On policy, Harris avoided proposing radical agendas and instead aligned herself with mainstream Democratic priorities. She tackled critical issues such as safeguarding abortion rights, voting rights, Social Security, and Medicare. Harris’s strategic approach aimed to appeal to a wide spectrum of voters, including those in swing states who might be cautious about extreme policies. Her direct critique of Trump’s tax reforms, which she argued disproportionately favored the wealthy, reinforced her commitment to equity and fairness. National security was another area where Harris aimed to dispel doubts. She spoke confidently about her extensive experience handling security threats, engaging in high-stakes diplomacy, and supporting American troops overseas. Harris pledged that, as commander in chief, she would ensure America maintains the strongest and most effective military globally. This assertive stance was intended to address any concerns about her ability to lead the nation’s armed forces, particularly as the first female president. Harris also took on Trump’s hardline immigration policies head-on, emphasizing her commitment to comprehensive immigration reform. She presented a vision that balances robust border security with fair and humane treatment of immigrants. Harris criticized Trump for undermining a bipartisan border security bill to use immigration as a political weapon. By committing to reviving the bill and pursuing long-term solutions, Harris positioned herself as a leader who prioritizes substantive policy over divisive politics. Her comprehensive reform proposal includes a fair pathway to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants, ensuring that America remains a beacon of hope and opportunity. A crucial part of Harris’s speech was her effort to connect with voters on a personal level. She shared stories from her childhood in a working-class neighborhood and spoke with affection about her mother’s influence on her values and resilience. By doing so, Harris aimed to counter any perception of being “exotic” or disconnected, presenting herself as a relatable and approachable figure who understands the struggles and dreams of everyday Americans. She did not shy away from confronting Trump’s character and track record. She labeled him “an unserious man” whose presidency would result in serious repercussions for the nation. Harris highlighted Trump’s failings—his efforts to undermine democracy, his criminal charges, his disregard for America’s international alliances, and his troubling admiration for authoritarian rulers. She cautioned that a second Trump term would dismantle the remaining safeguards of democracy, allowing him to wield presidential powers unchecked and solely for his own gain. As the campaign heats up, all eyes will be on the upcoming presidential debate, hosted by ABC News on September 10 at 8 p.m. Central Time in Philadelphia. If the debate is anything like Harris’s DNC speech, Trump might want to buckle up—because Harris is ready to turn up the heat.  This video is produced by immigration attorney Moses Apsan. With 40 years of experience, he can help with any immigration problem. If Harris’s speech has you thinking critically about the future of our country, maybe it's time to consider how the choices we make in leadership impact every aspect of our lives. Are we choosing a future of unity and progress, or are we settling for chaos and division? The answer might just come down to the next debate—and how we decide to confront the challenges ahead.

No Immunity for Insurrection: The Road to Prosecuting Trump

The democracy’s grand illusion is the belief that every individual, including a president is subject, to the law. The recent decision by the Supreme Court in Trump v. United States serves as a reminder of how our republics foundation balances power and accountability favoring those with influence over the public.   Donald Trump, a product of our media spectacle now faces accusations of committing offenses against the nation in his attempt to retain power post 2020 election. While the Courts ruling on immunity shields certain official actions it does not absolve Trump from accountability for his actions during and after January 6th. Special counsel Jack Smiths indictment vividly portrays a man who confronted with defeat tried to undermine the process through spreading misinformation influencing state officials and inciting a mob. All done openly.   This information has been known for some time. The January 6th Committees thorough investigation laid out the facts, with clarity. The group, consisting of Democrats and a few Republicans who briefly showed their courage laid out months of evidence revealing Trumps attempts to undermine the election. They demonstrated how Trump pressured state officials to overturn results how he incited a mob to storm the Capitol and how he pushed his vice president, Mike Pence to reject the vote certification.   Lets also remember the details shared by the group; such, as the recorded phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, where Trump asked him to "find" enough votes to secure a win. The speech on January 6th where Trump urged a crowd to march towards the Capitol and warned that not fighting fiercely would jeopardize their country. Additionally witnessing the scenes of violence as the mob smashed windows attacked law enforcement officers. Hunted down elected officials—all while echoing Trumps words in their minds.   While the Supreme Courts ruling may be frustrating due to its interpretation of immunity it does not shield Trump from potential prosecution for his personal involvement, in these events.   Chief Justice Roberts in an balancing act emphasized that immunity only shields official presidential duties. No shield exists for pressuring state officials to disregard election outcomes or inciting a mob. These are not actions befitting a president fulfilling his responsibilities; rather they reflect the maneuvers of a demagogue striving to cling to power through any means   Trumps communications, with state officials his efforts to influence the Justice Department and his coordination of the January 6th rally all lie beyond the scope of duties. The court allows Judge Tanya Chutkan the space to pursue action against Trump for these deeds. The committee has presented us with evidence. Now it falls upon the counsel and courts to ensure justice prevails.   Yet what about Mike Pence? Here the court treads into territory. There is reluctance to waive Trumps immunity regarding his discussions with Pence due to the vice presidents role in certifying the election blurring lines, between executive functions. However this matter is somewhat secondary. The January 6th Committee has already unveiled information revealing that Trumps attempts to subvert the election were extensive and intricate. Whether or not Trumps interactions, with Pence were considered "official" is not a factor in the picture. The overwhelming evidence suggests that Trump actively worked against our democracy and the special counsel can make a case without relying on those discussions.   The key issue here is that we are facing a juncture. The January 6th Committee uncovered Trumps wrongdoings for all to see yet his continued viability as a political candidate highlights the truth that truth itself seems malleable in our society easily shaped by the influential and the misguided.   The likelihood of Trump facing prosecution before the election seems slim. Our nation has a history of giving its leaders leniency pardoning their severe transgressions for conveniences sake. The appointment of a counsel, by the attorney general took two years. Court proceedings are expected to prolong any potential resolution. This narrative reflects Americas essence. Justice served selectively while others receive leniency.   What unfolds next follows a sorrowful pattern. The legal system will move slowly possibly without reaching closure before the election. The man who tried to undermine our democracy might escape punishment again despite his repeated actions. However, it's important to note that his actions are well documented thanks, in part to the January 6th Committee. Trumps legacy isn't about leading or serving but rather about causing chaos inciting insurrection and trying to assert himself as a ruler in a nation built for freedom loving people. Regardless of how history judges him we must always remember that the battle, for democracy is a struggle.
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13,000 Homicide Convicts on the Loose- How the ICE Resource Shortage Puts America at Risk News Agency

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Democracy on the Line: What Last Night Debate Reveals About the Future of America News Agency

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Kamalas Big Win: How She Masterfully Exposed Trumps Weaknesses in the Debate article News Agency

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Texas Court Extends Ban on Parole Approvals What It Means for Immigrant Families Applying Under Bidens Keeping Families Together Program News Agency

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BREAKING NEWS - John McCains son speaks out for the time and promises to cast his vote in support of Kamala Harris News Agency

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Separated: The Unlikely Hit at the Venice Film Festival Tackling Trumps Family Separation Policy News Agency

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Biden-Harris Administration Fights Court Ruling to Keep Immigrant Families Together News Agency

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A Lifeline for Families: The Urgent Need for the 'Keeping Families Together' Program Amid Court Challenges News Agency

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Kamala Harriss Knockout DNC Speech: Trump Insults Turned Into Her Secret Weapon News Agency

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No Immunity for Insurrection: The Road to Prosecuting Trump News Agency

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