June 26, 2018, 11:41 pm
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Pop quiz:

Q: What is the definition of a camel?

A: A horse put together by a committee

Q: What do you call a country whose every word and deed emanating from its government institutions, political establishment, amen corner media and deep state intelligence (duh) community is a lie or a crime or both?

A: The USA 2018

Q: What’s goin’ on?

A: PutinGate: A mish-mosh of concocted, seemingly endless, evidence-free criminal accusations and political smears (see: previous Q & A) against President (believe it or not!) Trump and Putin/Russia that has been whipping up a tsunami of national hysteria and frothing at the mouth for almost two years. With no end in sight.


Recently, The NY Times, America's foremost journalistic malpracticer, inadvertently let the real PutinGate cat out of the bag. In its latest shameless effort to polish up 2 years of Deep State/FBI machinations and put more lipstick on this pig it published a long front page piece on the FBI’s previously top secret and constitutionally dubious “Operation Hurricane Crossfire” mounted against the hapless Trump presidential campaign back in early 2016.


Reading the weasel words and between the lines, the piece revealed an almost John Le Carre-type Intelligence Agencies black op combined with a familiar standard-operating-procedure FBI crime creation/entrapment scheme (historical note: virtually every alleged terror plot the FBI has ever “uncovered” has actually been an FBI sting of some harmless, witless mugs set up by an FBI informant).

Way before the 2016 election, even before Trump's nomination, doubtless at the instigation of Obama highups and the loathsome CIA thug-in-chief John Brennan, FBI and Intelligence Community contractors, cutouts, off-the-books British MI6 agents, informants and useful foreign stooges (Google: longtime CIA/FBI agent provocateur Stefan Halper, mysterious Maltese “academic” Joseph Mifsud, Australian Ambassador Alexander Downer and stooges to be named later) secretly and cynically trolled Trump presidential campaign flunkies (George Papadopolous, Carter Page and perhaps others including Trump’s own gullible sons) and illegally surveilled and manipulated the amateur, befuddled and overmatched Trump campaign with dangled hints and teaser suggestions of nefarious Russian election hi-jinx and cyber-hacking in order to trump up and bolster a contrived narrative that the despised Russian President Putin was actively attempting to interfere with our election and “destroy our precious democracy" (a focus grouped, well-massaged and constantly repeated mantra if ever there was one).

At the time, no one on earth with a functioning brain could even imagine that Donald Trump, the preposterous, weirdly-coiffed, self-absorbed, politically ignorant, ex-reality TV star and sleazy NY real estate tycoon could/would actually be elected! Hillary, the Queen of You Owe Me, was a lock. A bought and paid for sure thing. So why bother with this cloak-and-dagger stuff?

Truth be told, the sure loser Trump was merely the patsy for this devious intelligence op. The actual purpose was to fabricate a “trail of evidence" to later enable the war-mongering certain-to-be-elected President Hillary Clinton to declare Putin the devil incarnate, attack Russia and ultimately "regime change" the born again Evil Empire. It would be the final full monte rockets-red-glare climax to the neocons’ decades-long down-with-the-Commies wet dream. The Bush-Cheney mendacious “Saddam- has-WMDs” hustle revisited but without having to waterboard anyone to “confess”.

From the moment at the Democratic Convention when Wikileaks released a treasure trove of Democratic National Committee emails revealing the dirty tricks and machinations engineered by Hillary and the DNC to derail Bernie Sanders’ more popular candidacy, her campaign apparatchiks and supporting posse of political pimps and coat carriers began a non-stop howl “Putin did it! Putin did it! Putin did it!” to distract and soften up the gen pop and drive home the pre-conceived “Message”.

The theatrical hysterics increased to DefCon 1-level 2 days before the 2 nd Hillary v Trump debate in October with the “mysterious” release of a flood of embarrassing and unflattering (to say the least) emails about Hillary from her own campaign manager John Podesta’s email account! It was no coincidence that on that same day, for major attention distraction, Obama chimed in with a dose of White House anti-Putin gibberish and Hillary’s coven released the 11-year-old Access Hollywood tapes of Trump’s “pussypussypussy” interview. During the ensuing debate Hillary relentlessly & tediously banged on those two bass drums.

But a funny thing happened on the way to that ultimate Putin/Russia "regime change" scheme.

The worst candidate who ever lived LOST to the worst candidate who ever lived! Shock and awe! Hillary’s and her Dementedcrat Party supporters’ and allies’ heads exploded.

Within days (hours?) of Trump’s election the dishonest and conniving Deep (doodoo) State trickeration was repurposed into a 2-fer:

Press on with the concocted narrative that Putin is the new Hitler and “destroyer of our democracy” and, better still, “regime change” Trump!

Alas for the future of “our precious democracy” (laugh track here), the legally elected but politically imbecilic and nincompoopish Trump has been intellectually incapable of coherently defending himself against this gigantic non-stop all-Establishment- encompassing Constitution-shredding regime change conspiracy except to furiously flail mostly ineffectual counterpunches at it. And (as the GOP Undead often do) ask the wrong questions (see: the long-winded GOP BenghaziBenghaziBenghazi probe. The dog that didn’t bark in that fruitless “investigation” was: What was Ambassador Christopher Stevens doing in Benghazi in the first place? The real answer would have exposed yet another dirty US intelligence op: secretly funneling Libya’s weapons stash to our ISIS “allies” arming up to wreck and “regime change” Syria. Or: In the mishandled secret Hillary emails probe -What was the real reason for Hillary’s secret garage server and off-the-books emails? Not to inadvertently pass along some minor government “secrets”. But to hide from any public scrutiny while Secretary of State her corrupt and illegal worldwide Clinton Foundation fundraising/extortion schemes with various foreign countries and favor-seekers.) The best Trump can do is to continually bemoan this current diabolical Establishment scheme against him as a Hoax! And a Witch Hunt! Which, of course, it is.

For two years and counting this “regime change” insanity, like some Rube Goldberg contraption, has been pretzleizing itself almost incomprehensibly into the most head-scratching “investigation” in history. Legal malpracticer Robert Mueller, ex-FBI director and establishment hack, was hauled out of “retirement” to be “Special Council” (aka “prosecutor”), whose job is to stitch up a frame that would enable the dumb-struck Establishment to chuck Trump out and restore the old corrupt, morally corroded, money-grubbing system (that, incidentally, the gen pop loathes which is probably why more people DON’T vote than do).

The sclerotic Dementedcrats and their berserk brain-blasted followers and supporters appear to have almost overnight lost their critical thinking faculties. “Trump is Hitler” and “PutinDidIt” they mumble constantly and cultishly. The GOP Undead mostly lay low, knowing the gen pop can’t stand them, but are able to retain their congressional “power” by riding the hated Trump’s coattails.

Indeed, our entire Political, Justice and Intelligence Establishment has gone criminally insane. Fallen down a rabbit hole into impotent rage and utter irresponsible nonsense. Without a scintilla of actual “evidence” of Putin/Trump crookery ever being produced, the Intelligence (duh) Community, the Dementedcrats, their posse of sore losers and their national media amen corner, swap daily “leaks”, smears and lies from unknown sources, manufacture banner headlines with the words Trump and Russia in them and cheerlead for the hack Mueller as he “indicts” various Trump-related ham sandwiches and concocts “perjury traps” for Trump flunkies to step into out of fear or stupidity (or both) for which there is no underlying crime.

An egregious example of this self-licking ice cream cone in operation is the notorious Steele “Dossier” (aka the “Piss Dossier”). Dossier is a fancy French word for a collection of information and papers on some specific subject or person. In this case a pack of lies and distortions, mixed with gossip and disinformation, supposedly relating to the Putin/Trump conspiracy and showing it was planned months if not years in advance to boost Trump and defeat Hillary.

The “intelligence” Dossier was compiled (cooked up?) by Christopher Steele, a former Moscow-based British Intelligence (MI6) agent turned mercenary intelligence operator, with the help of old MI6 hands and perhaps some disgruntled ex-KGB agents. It was contracted by Hillary Clinton apparatchiks (!) and passed around the high reaches of the FBI, CIA and White House like a reefer of the most magical weed. Indeed, it would be considered the official playbook of the Putin/Trump conspiracy and fed to the secretive FISA Court to obtain surveillance and search warrants against Trump associates and, it seemed, anybody else with a Trump connection who ever ordered a Pastrami sandwich with Russian dressing (!).

Among its sordid allegations was the prospect that Trump had been blackmailed and bribed years ago by the evil Putin during a trip to Russia to promote Trump real estate schemes. It described Trump and several Russian prostitutes sexually galivanting in the Presidential Suite at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton including water sports on the bed Obama had apparently slept in during a visit to Moscow. The Dossier also claimed Putin and Trump were in cahoots over the Wikileaks and Podesta emails.

At first during the election, the Dossier was shopped around the media by the rabid Trump-hating old coot Sen. John McCain, but deemed too sordid and unsourced to publish. When Hillary lost and the new play was to “regime change” Trump, it was essential that the Dossier be quickly injected into the political bloodstream by hook or by crook.

In a classic journalistic bankshot, highups in the FBI, CIA and NSA added their own notes and memos to the Dossier then two weeks before Trump’s inauguration “arranged” to have it officially given to President Obama and President-elect Trump, allegedly to “advise” them of its “explosive” contents (as if the Obama administration national security people didn’t already know!). FBI Director (at the time) James Comey later admitted that the real purpose of the move was to establish a “legitimate” news hook that would enable the amen corner media to overcome its “squeamishness” (integrity?) and rush to publish this important “news” about the Putin/Trump conspiracy.

BuzzFeed, a web news operation, was already teed up to publish the next day and the rest of the national propaganda delivery devices rushed to follow. The contrived salacious unverified “intelligence” Dossier had magically been transformed from gossip to Gospel. Mission accomplished. If Trump even bothered to show up to be inaugurated on January 20th, he would immediately be impeached.

But another funny thing happened, this time on the way to the disgruntled and “deplorable” Political, Intelligence and Media professionals’ scripted and choreographed Trump “regime change”.

The bloviating, blustering, braggadocio, bad hairdoed, untrustworthy and untamable Establishment outsider and disruptor is still the President! OMG!


Since the end of World War II, America (and, in fact, most of the world) has fallen under the rule of interconnected criminal enterprises, corrupt money harvesting global banksters, corporate cannibals, tech monsters, war sluts and bought-cheap politicians. The gen pop exists primarily to be conned, fleeced and manipulated.

The Bonnie & Clyde Clinton, GW Bush/Cheney and Obama administrations working tirelessly on behalf of the Wall Street/War Street/ Washington DC Axis of Evil set a pretty low bar for corruption, dishonesty, general grubbiness and war crimes. Despite the 24/7 incoming barrage of name-calling, doom-predicting and general high-decibel yowling by the regime change schemers, the Trump administration, for all it’s incompetence, tone-deafness, race-mongering, noisey bully-pulpitting and continuing political maladroitness has not yet actually slithered beneath that low bar established by its over-rated but likewise ignominious predecessors.

Indeed, far from being a politically sui generis, one-of-kind outlaw, Trump is actually just the latest iteration of America’s decades-long Presidential Reverse Darwinism. Without those other crooks, liars and con artists, there would surely be no President Trump now. But sooner or later there would be.

In the meantime, media talking heads and propagandists continue their lunatic analysis, collective delusions and magical thinking, yakking to each other backwards and sideways, giggling and sniggering smugly, sanctimoniously and self-righteously. Making s**t up. The Intelligence (duh) Community continues doing what it does best, lying, conniving and attempting to subvert and overthrow governments (even our own, it seems) and the FBI continues to be Famous for Bungling Investigations.

As for “our precious democracy”, if it still exists, the yowling lynch mob in hot pursuit of Trump, is certainly a sad example of it…


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