“BROKEN CLOUDS” by Yuri Alves competing in “SUNDANCE OF EUROPE”

March 23, 2011, 9:39 am
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Bold film wins Best Experimental Film at New Jersey International Film Festival and is now incompetition at prestigious ÉCU – European Independent Film Festival in Paris
“BROKEN CLOUDS” by Yuri Alves competing in “SUNDANCE OF EUROPE”


PARIS, FRANCE – From Friday, April 1st to Sunday, April 3 rd , 2011, Broken Clouds, by Yuri Alves, willparticipate at the ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival, which will project 78 films from 25countries. Broken Clouds will screen at the cinema Christine on Sunday April 3, 2:10pm – tickets availableat:

Broken Clouds, directed by Yuri Alves and produced by DreamPlay Productions, tells the story of a miraculoussurvivor seeking to restart life on the planet after the loss of his soulmate. The film was shot in Newark, NJ andin surrounding towns, as well as Brooklyn, NY over a period of 18 months. The cast features Vinicius Vieira,Klemen Novak, Candace Janee, David Nash and Ivo Canelas. Alves, along with some of the producers and castwill attend the festival.

In February 2011, Broken Clouds won Best Experimental Film at the New Jersey International Film Festival,which selected 33 films from over 300 entries. And recently, Broken Clouds was featured in an exclusive sneakpreview screening that drew over 550 attendees in Newark, NJ.

Writer-director Yuri Alves, 27, was born in Brazil to Portuguese parents and grew up in Newark and surroundingareas. Alves says the film is “a highly personal expression of a dark spiritual and artistic phase for me. The film’sproduction actually paralleled the journey of the main character, and in particular, his search for catharsis in theface of existential fear.”

It is competing in the Short Dramatic Film category with 6 other films from around the world. This year’s ÉCUwill screen 78 films in 12 categories including features, short films, documentaries, animation, studentexperimental and more, which will be competing for 20 awards. Alves, along with members of the production andcast, will attend the festival in representation of Broken Clouds.

ÉCU is considered by many critics and industry insiders to be the “Sundance of Europe” because it hasdelivered on its mantra to “discover, project and promote” vibrant independent cinema. Festival President andAcademy Award winning filmmaker, Scott Hillier says: “The 2011 ‘Official Selection’ is full of innovative, intelligentand entertaining cinematic gems. We are proud to support these talented individuals and assist in help takingtheir careers to another level.”

Most recently, Alves directed ‘A Armadilha’ and ‘Mano a Mano’, two episodes from the Portuguese primetimetelevision mini-series Tempo Final, set to premiere in late April 2011. Yuri Alves is also the co-founder andCreative Director of DreamPlay Productions, a TV, film and multimedia company.

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