Newark Music Festival 2011

March 6, 2011, 8:37 pm
A- A+
Good music on Ironbound


This festival was born from the will to promote new music from all genres in Newark, NJ, and to promote musical diversification in the Ironbound area.

The first event will be dedicated to Rock: “Dr Jones”, “Zinthonia”, “3 Locos” and “At a Distance” are the chosen bands. They represent the willingness and creativeness of the NJ area musicians.
We hope to build a sequence of festivals with different genres - on a monthly basis or bimestrial, if possible – that can meet musical expectations from the public in the East ward of Newark. We’ll try to promote it the best we can with Posters, Networking, Radio and TV Interviews etc., so the artists can get more exposure and the public can be well served, to. Tickets will be on sale at the door at 6 pm and there is free parking for the general public.

When: Sunday, March 20 · 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Where: Palacio Europa -  278, New York Avenue - Newark, NJ


Newark Music Festival - Program

1st Band: 7 pm

Dr Jones : Lucas de Mattos Vocals, Electric Guitar
Fellipe Prata – Vocals, Electric Guitar
Tiago Garcia – Bass
Benhur Oliveira – Drums

2st Band: 8 pm

Zinthonia: Diego Sardonez – Vocals
Fabian Presa – Vocals and Electric Guitar
Martin Silva – Bass
Richard – Drums

3st Band: 9 pm

3 Locos: Mauricio El Moro – Vocals, Electric Guitar
Gelix – Bass
Julio – Drums

4th Band: 10 pm

At a Distance: Kelly Ann Pinho - Vocals
Rui Abrunheiro – Vocals, El Guitar, Prog.
Carlos Ferreira - Drums

More information at :

Phone: (973) 392-3810

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