How to get a Refund for an Immigration Bond

May 15, 2014, 9:16 pm
Immigration News
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Step by Step Instructions on Getting your Immigration Bond Money Refunded

When an immigration case has run its’ course and the alien has not violated the terms of the bond, ICE cancels the immigration bond. Once this is done, ICE notifies the Debt Management Center of the cancelled bond. After the cancellation is processed, which can take a long while; the obligor receives a Form I-391 Notice - Immigration Bond Cancelled. The instructions requires the obligor is file for a refund of the principal and any accrued interest.

If a cash bond is breached, ICE notifies the obligor through a Form I-323 (Notice - Immigration Bond Breached). As per the bond agreement, ICE is permitted to remain with the principal amount from breached bonds. Nevertheless, the obligor is permitted to receive a payment of accrued interest.

If you have acted as an obligor and placed a cash bond and would like to have the cancelled bond amount refunded to you by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, follow these instructions:


1. If you are in possession of the original immigration bond receipt (Form I-305) and your copy of the immigration bond contract (Form I-352), mail Form I-305 and Form I-352 to the address listed below.

2. If you no longer have the original receipt (Form I-305), complete Form I-395 (Affidavit in Lieu of Lost Receipt of United States Immigration and Naturalization Service for Collateral Accepted as Security) and mail a notarized original to the address listed below. Include a copy of the bond contract (Form I-352) if available.

Forward bond documents or questions to:

Debt Management Center

Attention: Bond Unit

P.O. Box 5000

Williston, VT 05495-5000

Telephone: (802) 288-7600

Facsimile: (802) 288-1226

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