Reps. Velazquez and Gutierrez Rally for a DREAM Act and Immigration Reform this Sunday

November 20, 2010, 7:50 am
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Final Chance for Dream Act and Immigration Reform During Lame Duck Session of Congreass

New York -November 20, 2010- Rep. Velazquez (D-NY) and Rep. Gutierrez (D-IL) for a DREAM Act/immigration reform rally on Sunday, November 21st at 2pm at St. Brigid’s Church at 409 Linden St. in Brooklyn.

The movement for immigration reform is gaining momentum. Immigration activists are staging rallies throughout the country in support of the possibility of action during the lame duck session of Congress.

Both the Senate and House plan to vote on the DREAM Act as a stand-alone bill right after Thanksgiving. 




Rep. Nydia Velazquez, Rep. Luis Gutierrez and other leaders invite you to

Keep Families United: Come Together for Reform


Come to learn about what is being done to fight against an unjust system and what you can do to make a difference in NY.

When: Sunday, November 21, 2pm
Where: St. Brigid’s Church,
409 Linden Street, Brooklyn*
(Food will be served FREE)

Nationally: Stop Deportations, Pass DREAM!

New York State: No Secure Communities!

New York City: Get ICE out of Riker’s!

-    L or M trains to Myrtle Av. Wykoff Av.
-    Queens: 12:30pm buses from 92-10 Roosevelt Av.  Make the Road NY (Call Vicente 718 565-8500 x 4432 to reserve a seat)
-    Staten Island: 12:30 buses from 479 Port Richmond Ave. call Saul (718) 727-1222 x 3446 for a seat

Co-Sponsored by (list in formation)
Councilmember Melissa Mark-Viverito, Councilmember Danny Dromm, Councilmember Ydanis Rodriguez, Cabrini Immigrant Services, CONLINCO, Make the Road New York, Minkwon Center for Community Action, The New Sanctuary Movement. The New York Immigration Coalition, New York State Immigrant Action Fund, Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights


Here's the latest list on wavering Representatives. 

People are contacting them a give them your support for passage of the Drean Act. List obtianed from Citizen Orange.


Wavering Democrats:

SEN. JIM WEBB OF VIRGINIA 202-224-4024; 703-573-7090. Staff says "he hasn't made a public statement."

SEN. KENT CONRAD OF NORTH DAKOTA 202-224-2043; 701-258-4648. Staff says "he hasn't released a statement." Conrad has voted against the DREAM Act in the past.

SEN. BYRON DORGAN OF NORTH DAKOTA 202 224-2551. He voted against the DREAM Act in the past. Staff says he "hasn't taken a public position."

SEN. MARK PRYOR OF ARKANSAS 202-224-2353; 501-324-6336. He voted no on the DREAM Act cloture vote in September. Staff says he is "likely" to vote no again, though he hasn't made an official public statement yet.

SEN. JON TESTER OF MONTANA 202 224-2644. Staff says he has voted against the DREAM Act in the past and "he will probably vote against any bill that has amnesty in it."

SEN. MAX BAUCUS OF MONTANA 202-224-2651. He has opposed the DREAM Act in the past and is a "likely no" again in this session.

SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL OF MISSOURI 202-224-6154. She opposed the DREAM Act in the past and staff says she has made no statement changing her position otherwise.

Wavering Republicans:

SEN. OLYMPIA SNOWE 202-224-5344; 207-874-0883: Staff says she "hasn't released a statement."

SEN. SUSAN COLLINS 202-224-2523; 207-945-0417: Staff says she "hasn't released a public statement."

SEN. LISA MURKOWSKI 202-224-6665; 907-271-3735: Staff says she's "still reviewing the bill."

SEN. SAM BROWNBACK 202-224-6521; 785-233-2503 Staff says he "hasn't had a chance to look at it" and remains non-committal.

SEN. KAY BAILEY HUTCHISON 202-224-5922; 214-361-3500: Staff says she "hasn't released a statement," but will probably do so later today.

SEN. GEORGE LEMIEUX 202-224-3041; 904-398-8586: Recorded message informs callers that he's "in a meeting." He has yet to publicly state his position as open-borders extremists step up pressure.

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Reps. Velazquez and Gutierrez Rally for a DREAM Act and Immigration Reform this Sunday
Reps. Velazquez  and Gutierrez Rally for a DREAM Act and Immigration Reform this Sunday
Saturday 20 November 2010