Welcome FIFA World Cup Winner`s to Newark

March 18, 2013, 9:57 am

Newark, NJ – March 18, 2013 – Mayor Cory A. Booker, East Ward Council Member Augusto Amador, Deputy Mayor of Civic Engagement and Community Partnership Margarita Muñiz, Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, State Senator Teresa Ruiz, State Assemblyman Albert Coutinho, former soccer star Claudio Reyna, Johnson & Johnson Vice President and General Counsel Mike Ullmann, Just One Soccer League Executive Director Oscar Rodriguez, FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil mascot “FulecoTM,” and other dignitaries will welcome the 2014 FIFA World Cup Winner’s Trophy to Newark today, Monday, March 18, at 4 p.m., at Heavy & General Laborers Local 472, located at 700 Raymond Boulevard, in the City’s East Ward.


The ceremony, originally set for Essex County Riverfront Park, is being moved indoors due to the threat of inclement weather.


Youth soccer fans attending the event will be able to test their soccer skills and win a prize in a “Free Kick Challenge,” participate in fun soccer activities and interact with Safe Kids, a worldwide organization that provides proven and practical resources to protect children from unintentional injuries.


The trophy, hosted by Johnson & Johnson, as part of their “Healthier Kids” initiative, is designed to increase physical activity and help address the problem of childhood obesity. Johnson & Johnson is the official healthcare sponsor of the 2014 FIFA World CupTM.


WHO:            Mayor Cory A. Booker, East Ward Council Member Augusto Amador, Deputy Mayor of Civic Engagement and Community Partnership Margarita Muñiz, Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, State Senator Teresa Ruiz, State Assemblyman Albert Coutinho, former soccer star Claudio Reyna, Johnson & Johnson Vice President and General Counsel Mike Ullmann, Just One Soccer League Executive Director Oscar Rodriguez, FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil mascot “FulecoTM,” and other dignitaries.


WHAT:          Will welcome the 2014 FIFA World Cup Winner’s Trophy to Newark.


WHEN:          Monday, March 18, 2013

                        4 p.m.


WHERE:       Heavy & General Laborers Local 472

700 Raymond Boulevard


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