What tha...?

April 26, 2011, 1:05 am

Lady Gaga Strikes Out


By Keisha Allisse


It was a rough past week for the avant garde pop star; her chart topping single, Born This Way, has been criticized since its debut of sounding a little too much like Madonna's Express Yourself. When asked about the similarities by a journalist from British magazine, NME, she responded, '…I swear to you. I am not stupid enough to put out a record and be that moronic. I'm a songwriter..,why would I try to put out a song and think I'm getting one over on everybody? That's retarded.'


The use of the r-word, along with the n-word and c-word, are terms that have long been locked away in the public no-no box. Gaga has since apologized for its use, but I wouldn't hold something like that against her considering that it was said in a rush of anger (who hasn't said something regrettable in a fit of fury?). The real crime? Not recognizing the clear resemblance between her and Madonna's tune. Are you telling me NO ONE in her entourage had the guts to say, 'Hmm…something sounds familiar?'

- Steer-rike one!


The next day, word gets out that the singer would not approve Weird Al Yankovic's parody, Perform This Way. Weird Al decides not to put the song on his forthcoming album and instead releases a lyric video on his youtube channel. Two million plus views later and after an outpouring of support, Gaga's manager admits that he never played the song for the singer and made the decision himself. Apologies all around and the track gets approved. The true crime? Actually it has nothing to do with Weird Al, but rather that heinous album art for Born This Way. Even fans are hoping it's a joke.

-Steer-rike two!


The proverbial 'straw that breaks the camel's back'? The Lady's Judas music video, which features the singer as Mary Magdalene and contains lyrics such as, 'Jesus is my virtue/Judas is the demon I cling to' and 'I am beyond repentance/fame hooker, prostitute wench/vomits her mind/but in a cultural sense.' The video was set to premiere on Easter (!) but was pushed back to a May 2 bow on American Idol (due in no small part to the HUGE uproar that ensued once the original date was announced by the press.)

-Steer-rike three!


Mashup of 'Express Yourself' and 'Born This Way'



Weird Al's parody, 'Perform This Way'

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