Bridgeport soccer affair features Brazilian Masters stars

May 21, 2010, 5:13 am

Bridgeport Soccer Fest 2010

March 21 2010, BRIDGEPORT CT. The Brazilian, Latin American and North American communities will be joining for a memorable all-day soccer event on May 23 that will feature the Brazil Masters team facing the Bridgeport All-Stars.  Bridgeport Soccer Fest 2010 will begin at 9 a.m. at Central High's Kennedy Stadium and last until 8 p.m., serving as a fund-raiser for Chile and Haiti. The Brazilian team will bring together former World Cup soccer players Zinho, Vampeta, Reinaldo, Ronaldao, Nenem Futebol de Areia, Donizete Pantera, Jairzinho, Mauricio, Junior Baiano, Careca, Ricardo Lopes and Lira.

A tribute will be paid to three soccer champions -- Pele, Jairzinho and Zico -- who will receive awards from the city of Bridgeport. Children's, teenager's and women's games will also be played, and there will also be music and dance entertainment from local groups as well as from a Samba and Carnival band featuring Brazilian singer and composer Waguinho do Cavaco. Admission is $20, and tickets are on sale now at

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