Amateur Astronomer Invents Simple Remote Control Collimation Device

By: Moises Apsan
May 1, 2010, 12:58 pm

Amateur Astronomer Invents Simple Remote Control Collimation Device



May 1 / An amateur astronomer, with an 18 inch Obsession Ultra Compact dobsonian telescope found himself doing a lot of moving back and forth in order to collimate the primary mirror.   “Eureka!” Why not manipulate the collimation knobs by remote control?

A new product has been created to assist those with large dobsonian (dob) telescopes, like Obsession models, to collimate the primary mirror in a more convenient and independent way.  “Primary Collimation Assist” (PCA) is a battery operated device that is placed over each of three collimation knobs of the primary mirror.  Collimating the primary mirror of a large dobsonian telescope, such as the fine Obsession telescope models, is then accomplished by remote control from the location of the focuser.

Typically, with large dobsonian telescopes, one needs to collimate the primary mirror each time the scope is set up.  This involves the turning of collimation knobs located at the back of the primary mirror while at the same time assessing collimation accuracy at the location of the focuser, some 6 to 12 feet away in some cases.  Turning the collimation knob changes the tilt of the mirror which helps direct the return light beam from the primary to the correct location on the secondary mirror, which is near the location of the focuser.  If you have a buddy to assist, that works out well.  One person often needs to go back and forth, from the back of the primary to the location of the focuser to insure accurate collimation accuracy.  “Primary collimation Assist” enables one to perform the task in seconds independently and conveniently by remote control!

According to the inventor, Jim Sofia “PCA eliminates the need to have one person turn the collimation knobs while the other assesses collimation accuracy at the location of the focuser (independence). It also eliminates the need for one person to shift back and forth from the back of the primary mirror to the eye level location of the focuser during the collimation process (convenience). It optimizes collimation precision because the collimation knob turns in gradations of speed depending on the pressure exerted on the transmitter joystick. After practice, PCA takes less than a minute to set up in the field.”

For more information about this innovative product visit and read about its specifications and usage.  PCA set up time in the field takes less than a minute and collimating your telescope will be as easy as turning a joystick!

Contact:  James Sofia



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