February 9, 2014, 11:00 pm
A- A+
A lawyer cannot rely just on this 800 system

The Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), has made available an immigration courts’ 800 Phone Number, which allows anyone to obtain information about their case though its automated system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This system has bee named by EOIR as the Immigration Court Information System.

Step 1 – Find a document has your 8 or nine digit A# on it. It is the number that begins with the letter A, Such as A123 456 789.

Step 2 - Dial 1(800) 898-71080

Step 3 - Press 1 to hear the instructions in English; Press 2 to hear the instructions in Spanish;

Step 4 - The system will ask you to input you’re a#. The number should have 9 digits, but if it only contains 8 digits, just as a 0 to the beginning of the string;

Step 5 – You will be asked to press 1 if your a# was inputted correctly or 2 is you would like to input the number again;

Step 6 - Once you number is inputted correctly, the system will spell out your name;

Step 7 - You will be asked to press 1 to confirm or 2 to input you’re a# again.

Step 8 – Once your name has been confirmed, you will be given there choices (1) the next hearing date (2) Decision Information, (4) Case Appeal information (5) Filing information

A lawyer cannot rely just on this 800 system. We have had clients that come to our immigration office for a consultation, but are unsure if they had an immigration hearing. When we investigate further, it is revealed that the individual was stopped at the border and fingerprints taken by the CBC (Customs and Border Patrol). In these cases we submit the individuals fingerprint to the FBI to discover if there is or is not a record. If there is an arrest record, then the correct A# is stated in the FBI report. At which point we are to obtain the full record though the Freedom of Information Act.

You can follow this link:

Find out More on How the Immigration Court Works.

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