Dream Act registrartion now available on Internet

July 27, 2012, 2:13 am
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Thousands of Dreamers signed up the first two weeks

Less than two weeks ago, opened its web site to provide up to date information and news about Obama’s “Dream Act.” All those that register receives, for free, updates and news about the dream act program as the Department of Homeland Security announces it.  

What makes the site most attractive to all dreamers is the automated form preparation system which creates a PDF file complete with all the forms required as well as detailed instructions for each applicant to follow.  After the final regulations are announced, each registered dreamer, will be given the opportunity to use the form processing service. When the Dream Act application package is filed with the immigration service the filing fee must be attached.  The final package includes a cover letter to the Service detailing everything that is included. It will come with appropriate mailing labels.  Every idreamact member will file their own application complete with proof of their eligibility.

After filing, a filing fee receipt and a notice for fingerprints will be sent to you.  It includes the date for fingerprinting.  In a few months you will receive an employment authorization documents. You may or may not receive a notice for an interview.

From the moment the announcement was made, dreamers began to register at the rate of 2 or 3 per minute.

Brazilian web designer, Joa Vianna, the creator of the award winning video sharing site,, designed the site and its database. But a non-lawyer could not have properly designed a site involving law; it needed the supervision and instruction of an experienced immigration attorney.

Joao Vianna teamed up with immigration attorney Moses Apsan, who wrote the copy for the site and was fundamental in designing the forms processing system.  Brazilian born Moses Apsan emigrated from Brazil when he was seven and is the past president of the Federal Bar Association (New Jersey Chapter from 1997 to 2002) with over 28 years of experience in all aspects of U.S. Immigration & Citizenship Laws. contacted attorney Apsan and asked what was his intent in creating this web site. It’s evident that many cannot afford the fees charged by attorneys and turn to non licensed people and organizations that offer assistance in the preparation of these legal documents.   He commented as follows:  “ During the term of my practice many clients complained of bad experiences with Notarios and Immigration Consultants. It's not that people involved in these business are inherently bad or evil, but most form preparers have  none or limited knowledge of the immigration laws and its subtleties.  Yes, anyone can fill out some forms, but do they understand the underlying reason for the questions asked? Can they see potential legal problems and warn the client of the  consequences or know how to correct the problem? The answer is simply, no!  An application for benefits under the  new rule must be carefully prepared. Some errors can be corrected, but others can never be taken back.  idreamact was designed  to protect the applicants from making a mistake that could  extend the time to complete the process.  Whether or not a Dreamer joins the site, they must  carefully chose their form preparer.   Make sure that the one you chose is a licensed lawyer or registered non-profit agency."

According to Joao Vianna, "The intitial registration verifies if you are potentially qualified to register with the new regulation. applicant are able review their application and modify it as necessary.  Only when the forms are completed correctly and reviewed by the applicant, will the program permit the forms to be printed."

For more information go to: and

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