Arizona's anti-immigrant law, SB1070, Attacked by Democrat Lawmaker

January 13, 2012, 3:44 am
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Arizona democrat, Sen. Steve Gallardo encouraged by the recall of State Senator Russell Pearce, who orchestrated the infamous anti-immigrant law Senate Bill 1070, plans to introduce a bill to repeal Arizona's draconian efforts to rid it’s state of foreign looking people.

SB 1070 became law in 2010, but most sections of the law never became operational. Obama’s administration filed legal challenges, and the U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled to review the case this spring. Until such time, most of the contentious clauses have been restrained.

These sections include a requirement that police question people's immigration status if they come into contact with someone they believe is in the country illegally. Other sections were permitted to take effect such as a ban on blocking of traffic when cars stop in the streets to pick up day-laborers.

"There's a strong feeling within the Latino community that SB 1070 should be repealed," Gallardo said.

Sen. Russell Pearce’s co-sponsor of SB1070, Rep. John Kavanagh, said that SB 1070 is more popular than ever.

"Clearly this is nothing more than a political ploy to garner voter approval." The Republican said that "It has zero chance."

Gallardo too understands that the bill has a slim change of becomming law, but believes support for laws that attempt to root out illegal immigration by criminal enforcement has declined throughout Arizona.

"Look at the image this has provided to the state of Arizona," he said. "This is a black cloud that continues to hang over it. Some of the [legislative] members would agree that it might be best to pull the plug on it."

In fact Federal courts have already blocked key provisions of similar laws in South Carolina, Arizona, Indiana and Georgia. A federal court in Alabama allowed some parts of the law to take effect, leading to demoralizing humanitarian consequences. Members of the civil rights coalition also have a case pending against Utah’s anti-immigrant law that was blocked pending a hearing now scheduled for February.


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