Are you Connecting with Your Eyes?

July 28, 2011, 10:30 pm
A- A+
What the eyes can tell you.

I was always told when talking to people to look at their eyes. I found out quickly that the advice also applies when listening. If you have a difficult time looking people in their eyes then find a reason that would be beneficial to you. A client of mine stated that he overcame his difficulty by making an attempt to figure out the color of the other person eyes as they are talking.

For me I find it fascinating to look in the eyes of people because the eyes can tell me quite a bit about how the other person receives information and processes it.  Of course this not an exact science however it is an awesome indicator when coupled with other body language indicators.

When you get the opportunity test it for yourself when conversing with others.




Movement Mental Activity Description    
Eyes up and to the right Visual Construction (Vc) The client is making an image of something that they have not experienced. While some element of the picture may be from memory, some elements are being constructed (imagined).    
Eyes up and tothe left Visual Remembered (Vr) The client is remembering an image of something that happened    
Eyes right AuditoryConstructed (Ac) The client is imagining something they have never heard before. In my opinion, this is probably the least observed accessing cue.    
Eyes left AuditoryRemembered (Ar) The client is remembering a sound from memory.    
Eyes down and to the right Kinesthetic (K) The client is focusing on an internal feeling.    
Eyes down and to the left Auditory Digital(Ad) The client is listening to a voice inside their head.

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