Camel Cigarettes Responsible for Attracting Teenage Girls
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Camel Cigarettes Responsible for Attracting Teenage Girls

May 7, 2010, 9:34 am
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Camel Cigarettes Responsible for Attracting Teenage Girls

New York - May 7, 2010-- A new research was made regarding the persons who are attracted by Camel cigarettes. In conclusion it was established that teen girls have more interest in Camel cigarettes than any other category. Another study made on 1,036 adolescents, also says that the ads for Camel No. 9 cigarettes, that are found in magazines like: Glamour, Cosmopolitan and Vogue represent a big hit for teen girls aged from 12 to 16.

This new brand was launched in 2007 and in promotional giveaways for it were included cell phone jewelry, wristbands, purses and berry-flavored lip balm.

The spokesman for tobacco company R.J. Reynolds, which is the manufacturer of Camel cigarette brand, David Howard said that the ads were from the beginning aimed for adults. He also said that more than 80% of the persons who read it are over 18. In 1998 Master Settlement Agreement agreed with the tobacco companies not to influence kids in smoking habit. The same spokesman said that the number of the teens has declined since the ads were introduced.

Cheryl Healton is the president of the anti-smoking group the American Legacy Foundation and co-author who conducted a study about teenagers and said that the teens were very interested in the ads. She also asked teens if they realize what kind of cigarette brands exist.

In the year of 2008, there were 22% of girls who listed Camel brand as their favorite cigarette ad. But before that, there were made other four studies and the number was twice smaller. Healton said that all of that happen because Camel launched the new campaign and it is not because of the old one.

The cigarette ads are attracting kids too, said John Pierce of the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California-San Diego. If a non smoking teen is able to name a favorite tobacco ad then he is more likely to start smoking with 50% than other children.

When the boys were asked to say what their favorite cigarette ad was, they didn't show many preferences in comparison with the girls, who could name a favorite tobacco ad. So the cigarette ads are still reaching kids, even though there is a marketing ban on them. If on the ads is drawn smoking as being fashionable, then teens is even more attracted to it.  via

Author: Arthur Lewis
Arthur Lewis is a independent journalist who has written for periodicals in the U.S., Canada, England and Australia. His interests are varied and he is currently "following the waves" in Hawaii.
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Camel Cigarettes Responsible for Attracting Teenage Girls
Camel Cigarettes Responsible for Attracting Teenage Girls
Source: Arthur Lewis
Friday 07 May 2010

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