Historic Health Care Reform Success - Now it's time for immigration reform!

March 22, 2010, 11:09 am
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Historic Health Care Reform Success - Now it's time for immigration reform!

by Moses Apsan, Esq.

Over unanimous GOP opposition the House of Representatives passed a sweeping bill overhauling the U.S. medical system late Sunday evening, delivering a historic victory to Obama. This Monday President Obama will sign it into law. It has been over forty years since since Medicare and Medicaid were enacted. Since that time that has not been any law that has had such a significant affect on the  growth of federal health care guarantees.  The unprecedented  Sunday evening votes took place  after an extraordinary weekend of passionate  negotiations among House leaders,  individual Congress member and the White House.

Republicans tried their best, applying practically every weapon they could find in their legislative arsenal. but at the end they collapsed  and the  the Democratic health care's passage created history.

The $940 billion plan is intended to provide insurance coverage to roughly 32 million  uninsured Americans.  The bill, which is the "first step" towards universal coverage  signifies Obama's unique ability to organize and control Congress to approve a bill that has been unattainable  since Democratic president Truman attempted the same.   As a result of the passage of the bill most Americans will be required to have health insurance or pay a fine. Large employers will have to provide coverage or risk financial penalties.

"This is what change looks like," Obama said shortly after the votes. The passage of health care reform is "not a victory for any one party. ... It's a victory for the American people and it's a victory for common sense." The president was visually  pleased when he said that this healthcare reform initiative proves Americans "are still a people capable of doing big things."

Republicans unhappy with the bill are already preparing to wage war.  They will try to argue that the bill is unconstitutional and try to prevent it from taking effect.  The chamber was not silent for a second after the final "Yes" vote when   Michael Steele, the  chair of the Republican party  sent out a fund-raising e-mail message “launching a Money Bomb in an effort to to raise enough money to to gain 40 house seats to control the House of Representatives.

Even though Health Care Reform captivated America Sunday another potentially historic event at the National Mall in Washington D.C took place.  It is estimated that over 200,000 people appeared in one location with one purpose in mind:  comprehensive immigration reform.  There are over 11 million people living in the United States in illegal status.  They work. pray. pay taxes and have families, yet they live in the shadows of other Americans.  They are the illegal immigrants.  Many have been living in the United States for more than a decade,  establishing deep roots.  Under current laws the majority of them cannot "stand in line" and become legal residents as anti-immigrant groups have suggested, because there is no law that would give them that right.

On Sunday, more than 800 buses from 33 states brought people from around the country  to the March for America.   Many others  carpooled or flew.   Many are United States citizens.  Along with their children, spouses, friends and  and co-workers together they traveled  to Washington as advocates for a change in the broken immigration laws.

Now that healthcare has stepped out of the lime light, it is time  for our nation to be informed  of the importance of immigrants in our economic, political and social lives.   Comprehensive immigration reform  would make America more secure, by knowing that these millions of people who are living in the shadows would come out and register their presence here.  Once and for all we will know who is here and the government will be in a place to separate the good from the bad; the criminal from the hard working and honest person.  Thousands of our best and brightest students,  who where brought here as young children  and currently have limited access to higher education and legal employment need a chance to live.  Now is the time for compressive immigration reform and the Dream Act to became a reality.

The November election is around the corner.  We will soon see how brave our elected officials are.  Will they do the right thing and pass comprehensive immigration reform  or will they side step the issue until after November in fear of  not getting a vote for re-election.  Time will tell.

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